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31+ Latest Remote Work Statistics For 2022: Complete Guide

Not all employee benefit programs are created equal, which is especially evident when it comes to mental health care. Too often, traditional EAPs and health insurance plans don’t provide timely access to therapy, psychiatry, or other behavioral health care. These networks also tend to offer a limited range of available providers, care types, and specializations, meaning they’re less equipped to treat employees’ unique needs.

What are the types of work from home policies?

There are two types of work from home policies: 100% remote, and hybrid remote. The former describes companies whose employees work from home full time. In these organizations, certain roles may be remote, or all positions may telecommute. In these situations, the work from home policy and the employee handbook are typically one in the same.

Hybrid remote models allow office-based employees to work from home upon occasion. These organizations may permit employees to telecommute anywhere from a few days a year to a few days a week. In the past, businesses were strict about in-office attendance, but an increasing number of companies now allow employees to work from home more liberally.

Not only does this confirm what we already know about the evolution of remote work, but it also shows that telecommuting will become acceptable in an even wider range of industries. 85% of managers believe that having teams with remote workers will become the new norm. 77% of remote workers say they’re more productive when working from home. According to productivity statistics found on Statista, 89% of the respondents agree that making work in general, as well as individual tasks, more game-like, makes people more productive. Well, exercise and workplace productivity statistics further indicate that active people have better immunity and thus lower risk of various diseases — resulting in fewer sick days. Americans quit jobs at a record pace during the second half of 2021, and more plan to resign in the new year. About 23% of employees will seek new jobs in 2022, while 9% have already secured a new position, according to a December poll of 1,250 American workers.

of People Work Away from The Office Full-Time During COVID-19

The past year has spurred a period of change for many companies and employees—one that has brought both opportunities and challenges. Many employers have worked hard to take what they learned during the first year of the pandemic and combine it with more traditional ways of working . Considering the number of individuals working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s safe to say that working remotely works both for the companies and their employees. If the previous statistic was hard to believe, knowing that companies have actually experienced it first-hand might make it sound a bit more convincing. According to research conducted by Stanford, the number of resignations in companies was cut in half once they started allowing employees to work remotely. When you telecommute, you don’t have a boss or team leader supervising what you’re doing, and for that reason, many think that remote work equals low productivity. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, as 77% of people actually get more done when they work from home.

Key takeaway — companies that have implemented any of the remote work model types (e.g. fully remote, remote-first, or hybrid) enjoy higher productivity. Most research shows that employees are more productive when they work remotely. Some researchers believe it has made employees less productive while others think it has truly boosted productivity in the workplace.

What is the Hidden Job Market?

In a remote work setup, you can simply modify the parameters when finding applicants or members for your team. This will be even more useful in such an arrangement, so you can process candidates and find culture-fit ones at a fraction of the time that you used to dedicate to these procedures. As a benefit, your HR team can then use the time saved to develop, guide, and align new remote workers to the company’s goals. The year 2020 started poorly with the COVID-19 pandemic threatening, not just our health, but the global economy.

Breaking Down 2021-2022 Remote Work Statistics

In July of 2020, she was one of only three witnesses invited to testify before a U.S. Senate committee on the expansion of telework in government post-COVID-19. In pandemic conditions, ensuring a healthy and safe workplace is of paramount importance and the first consideration of leaders, managers, and employees alike. Remote and flexible work arrangements offer a wide range of potential benefits justified by the statistics. To support remote work arrangements and protect their employees’ mental health, about 45% of companies implemented flexible scheduling and remote work options, Kazoo’s 2022 Workplace trends report revealed.

Benefits Of Going Online Indicated by Remote Work Statistics

Moreover, according to this McKinsey survey, office space managers expect a 36% increase in work time outside their offices, leading to companies needing less office space. Moreover, Microsoft’s Work Trend Index states that 73% of employees want the flexible remote work option to stay. Whether you manage remote employees, freelancers, or full-time employees, using a productivity monitoring tool like Time Doctor is the best way to track productivity. According to Gartner, 16% of employers use technologies more frequently than in the pre-pandemic era to monitor their employees by tracking working hours and monitoring computer usage.

  • With an increasing number of employees working from home due to the pandemic, many employers were concerned about productivity.
  • Additionally, 50% of people say they won’t return to jobs that don’t offer some level of remote work, the most recent data from Kazoo Workplace trends report showed.
  • 81% of workers expect their employer to continue supporting remote work.
  • Improved accountability and better prioritizing and organizing are other benefits of using time tracking and reports.
  • In fact, 27% of telecommuters say this is one of the biggest challenges of working remotely .

While “increased employee morale” and “increased employee loyalty/retention” received 44% and 43% respectively. 38% of those surveyed think “onboarding new hires” has improved since the start of the pandemic. remote work statistics According to a 2022 study, “not being able to unplug” is the biggest remote working struggle with a 25% share of votes. This is up 7% on 2020’s results which ranked “not being able to unplug” third overall.

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